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still one’s appetite
满足食欲  detail>>
for me youre still the one
我还是一个  detail>>
one-column still
单柱蒸馏塔  detail>>
you are still the one
你仍然是我所爱  detail>>
 n.  1.欲望,(特指)胃口,食欲。 2.嗜好,爱好。  短语和例子   the sexual appet...  detail>>
appetite for
对……的欲望  detail>>
to appetite
不限量饲喂  detail>>
now and forever you are still the one
你现在仍然是那个永远  detail>>
one shining light will still remain
但那荧荧之光依旧还在  detail>>
you’re still the only one
恒久不变的 你是我的唯一 你一直是我的唯一 只有你  detail>>
we go still one more time
我们还想再去一次  detail>>
you`re still the one i love most
你还是最深爱的人  detail>>
be still
静下心来  detail>>
be still on
仍在……着  detail>>
 adj.  1.静止的,平静的,静寂的。 2.温柔的,低声的。 3.沉默寡言的。 4.(酒等)不起泡的。 5.没有活力的,死气沉...  detail>>
still then
就在那时  detail>>
will be there still
依然如故  detail>>
a jaded appetite
吃腻了的胃口  detail>>